Biogrup, S.L. Versió d'Odoo 11.0

Informació sobre Biogrup, S.L. instancia d'Odoo, el ERP de codi obert.

Aplicacions instal·lades

Mass Duplicate Invoices
Apps will help to creates mass duplicate Invoices from list/tree view
EESTISOFT - columns toggles
Allows to toggle visibility of columns for every treeview in odoo
Clients potencials, Oportunitats, Activitats
Projectes, Tasques
Gestió d'inventari
Inventari, Logística, Magatzems
All in one Dynamic Financial Reports v11
General Ledger Trial Balance Ageing Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Cash Flow Dynamic
Xlsx support on Dynamic Financial Reports v11
Xlsx Support module for dynamic reports for odoo v11.
Gestió de vendes
Pressupostos, Comandes de Venda, Factures
Parts de temps
Review and approve employees time reports
Discussions, Llistes de Correu, Noticies
Gestió d'absència
Leave allocations and leave requests
Invoicing Management
Enviar factures i seguiment de pagaments
Notes fixades, col·laboratius, memoràndums
Constructor del lloc web
Construeixi el seu lloc web corporatiu
Gestió de Compres
Comandes de compra, Rebuts, Factures de proveïdors
Directori d'empleats
Treballs, departaments i detalls d'empleats
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Cancel Invoice/Bill
Enable auto cancel paid invoice or cancel invoice. Auto Cancel Paid Invoice and Auto Cancel Paid Bill From Sale and Purchase Orders.
Audit Log
Crear el teu taulell personalitzat
Directori de contactes
Clients, venedors, socis,...
Send Via WhatsApp
Send messages to partners via WhatsApp
MIS Builder
Build 'Management Information System' Reports and Dashboards
Quick Language Selection
Change the language from user preference menu with only one click.
Row Number in tree/list view
Show row number in tree/list view.
Mass Invoices Send by Email
send mass invoice emails, bills emails,bulk invoice , mass invoice module, send mass email of invoice, bulk email for invoice, mass mail for invoice, bunch email odoo
Crear enquestes, recavar respostes i imprimir estadístiques
Calendari personal i compartit